This is my social media page. Here you can find links and previews to the social media I use on a daily basis. Social media plays a big role in my life in regards to getting my creative ideas out to people.Enjoy!
I use Instagram as part of my portfolio. It's a great tool for getting in touch with companies, connecting with old friends, and displaying my favorite photos from photoshoots. I hope you enjoy. If you like what you see go ahead and check out my profile.
Twitter is becoming my favorite social media for photography. I use Twitter as often as I can to showcase more photos from photoshoots. It's a great platform to get ideas out and share what I've created. I will be making more of an effort to tweet on a more consistent basis.
On top of photography I also make short films and vlogs about once a week. I am still a novice filmmaker and so the videos that I create are rough around the edges and experimental. I hope you enjoy them.